Wild Animals

The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Volume 2 – Hawks to Bustards, very numerous colour illustrations from paintings, b&w line drawings, coloured distribution maps and diagrams, references and index, viii & 695 pp, dark blue cloth in d/w, very good condition, Oxford University Press for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 1980
25.3 x 19.6 cm, 1990g, ISBN 0 19857 505 X
Each volume of this work is complete in itself - see the description (below) from the dustwrapper flap. Also covers grouse and other game birds, rails and cranes.
Although the dustwrapper description talks of seven planned volumes, in fact nine were eventually published.
Out of print – now only available on CD-ROM (with the other eight volumes, as “The Complete Birds of the Western Palearctic”), at £142.95.