Social History and Economics

A Social History of Family Life, Translated by Robert Baldick, b&w illustrations from paintings, engravings and illuminated manuscripts, bibliographical notes, index, 447 pp, purple cloth in d/w, edges of closed pages a little browned and marked, bottom edge of covers faded, d/w rubbed at extremities, otherwise in very good condition, Jonathan Cape 1962
21.5 x 13.3 cm, 710g, no ISBN
See below the description from the dustwrapper flap.
This is one of those strange books where the dustwrapper has ‘photographed’ the wording of the title on the dustwrapper on to the front cover – see picture below. The purple dye used for the cloth seems to have reacted with the light much more than other colours.
Still in print, but only in paperback, at £14.99.