
Re-set reprint of 1823 edition, the full title being ‘Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819-20-21-22’, 487 pp, blue boards in d/w, as new, Könemann (Cologne, Germany) 1998
16.9 x 11.4 cm, 400g, ISBN 3 82900 878 3
See the description (below) from the dustwrapper flap. Franklin was then a lieutenant, being knighted in 1829. He is chiefly known for his unsuccessful attempt to find the North-West Passage in 1845-7, which resulted in his death and that of his entire expedition’s crew of 133 men.
This edition is now out of print, though a bewildering number of paperback facsimile reprints of the original two-volume edition are available in the USA. This Könemann edition is a proper sewn hardback in one volume and much easier to read.