Social History and Economics
Books > Social History and Economics > POWER AND POLITICS AT THE SEASIDE

Devon - Morgan, Nigel J. & Pritchard, Annette
The Development of Devon’s Resorts in the Twentieth Century, illustrations from b&w photographs, maps and tables, notes, bibliography & index, x & 243 pp, blue boards in d/w, spine of d/w a little creased, otherwise in very good condition, University of Exeter Press (Exeter) 1999
23.3 x 15.3 cm, 590g, ISBN 0 85989 571 8
A volume in the Exeter Maritime Studies series, and still in print at an astonishing £75.00.
See the description (below) from the dustwrapper flap.
“Explores the complex interplay between ideology, class and power and the development of seaside resorts.” Ah well, somebody had to write it.
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