Motor Racing & Rallying

A History of Motorsports at London’s Own Race Circuit 1927-1972, very numerous b&w photo illustrations, circuit plans at various times, appendix giving list of meetings held and lap records for cars and motorcycles, 128 pp, sewn paperback, in ‘as-new’ condition with uncreased spine, Motor Racing Publications (Croydon, Surrey) 1991
27.1 x 20.9 cm, 470g, ISBN 0 94798 138 1
As far as I am aware, and notwithstanding the almost fluorescent yellow of the covers, this is the only ‘proper’ history of the Crystal Palace circuit. I still find it difficult to believe that a racing circuit could have survived till 1972 in the middle of a London suburb. I attended almost every race there between 1963 and 1972, as I lived about two miles away.
See below the brief ‘blurb’ from the book’s rear cover.
The book was only ever published in paperback, and is long out of print.