
An Essay, with a Critical Catalogue of Paintings Assigned to Him and to Robert Campin, colour frontispiece and 11 colour plates, 188 further b&w plates (not all full-page), essay (pp 3-37), biographical data & records of works (pp 187-192), catalogues (pp 195-261), index of persons, iconographical index & index of locations, iv & 272 pp in all, grey cloth in slightly rubbed d/w, Phaidon 1972
29.2 x 25.6 cm, 2100g, ISBN 0 71481 516 0
A master of the Early Netherlandish School, and a contemporary of Van Eyck, though he signed none of his paintings, and their attribution to him is difficult at this distance. See the description (below) from the dustwrapper flap.
When the printed sheets of a book arrive at the binders for folding and binding, the top sheets are normally marked with a wax crayon to indicate the binding order, and the marked sheet is then discarded. For some inexplicable reason (not enough sheets printed?) the binders have used the marked top sheet for the final gathering of this copy, affecting pages 258-9 and 270-271, and page 263 has been folded over in the binding process and has lost the corners of the page. No text is missing and all the text remains visible (see the three scanned images below), as the wax crayon has been partially erased. However, the damage turns this into a working copy rather than the fine copy it would otherwise be.