The Pioneering Colour Photography of Sergei Mikhailovitch Prokudin-Gorskii Commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II
A Social History of Family Life, Translated by Robert Baldick
The Memories of Gilbert Sargent, Countryman
A Study Based on Kent Examples
Regulating Occupational Disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain (Clio Medica 68, Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine)
Exhibition catalogue with essays
The 13 Years That Changed America
The British Abroad
The Abandonment of Children in Western Europe from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance
Second (illustrated) edition
Kipling and Baden-Powell’s Scouts
3rd Edition, with New Introduction by Sir Adrian Cadbury
A History of the Andes and their People
as Illustrated by Statistics
Images and Ideals in Literature and Society
A Champion Cornish Mine, Second edition
A Story of Britain’s South-East Asian Commercial Adventure
The Complete Portfolios, Text and captions entirely in English
50 Years of British Fashion 1947-1997
A Domestic History of Erddig
The Development of Devon's Resorts in the Twentieth Century
Social Change in Rural England
Class in Victorian Fiction
Themes in 19th-Century American Popular Song
Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism
or, The Idea of Social Class
Understanding and Behaviour in the Second World War
Chivalry and the English Gentleman
The Royal Household from the Plantagenets to Queen Victoria
Insights from the Greatest Investment Books of all Time
Moments in Time from the Albums of Charles White and London Transport
Tube Sheltering in Wartime London
An Archaeology
Researched and Written by Members of the Hayling Island University of the Third Age
Domestic Arrangements in Historic Houses, 2nd edition
Prepared for the Economic History Society
From Tribe to State in Northern Europe, 500 BC to AD 700
The Rise and Decline of Wooden Shipbuilding in Hampshire
Packet Ships and Irish Famine Emigrants, 1845-1851
2nd (illustrated) edition
Founders of Savile Row – The Making of a Legend
A Social History of Air Travel, signed by Julian Pettifer on the front endpaper
A History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868
An Oral History of Working-Class Childhood and Youth 1889 - 1939
The Story of Isle of Wight Houses
Imported and Domestic, facsimile reprint of 1892 original
Masterpieces of Art series
A Reader in History
The Trinity Area of Frome, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, Supplementary Series: 3
A Social History of Women in England 450 - 1500
Antwerp, 1770-1860
Second edition (revised and updated)
The Craftsman's Role in Society
Reprint of 1867 edition
from Old Photographs
Revised Edition
The Pastoral Impulse in Victorian England from 1880 to 1914
Image and Reality in Britain, France and the USA Since 1930
The Rise and Fall of an Ideal
Based on the Files of the 'Daily Express'
Based on the Files of Express Newspapers
Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869-1920
With an introduction and commentaries
Four Studies on a Victorian Ideal
Perceptions and Introspections in an Age of Change
From Personal Visit and Observation, Facsimile reprint of 1875 edition
A Nostalgic Trip through the Consumer Era
Ireland’s Potato Famine 1845-1851
Symbol and Status in the History of Transport
An Illustrated Selection
People - Places - Things
John Gast and His Times
Studies in Finance and Economic Growth
The Public Schools in English Fiction
Baden-Powell and the Origins of the Boy Scout Movement
Sixty Years in Occupational Health
Poverty and the Poor in Britain
A Cultural Tradition in Britain, America and Australia
The Japanese Way of Tea
Making Extraordinary Profits from Ordinary Shares
How Trade Can Promote Development
With Photographs by Werner Forman, Translated by Deryck Viney
The Story of St. Andrew’s Dock Hull
Prevention and Punishment
Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England
The Evolution of a Concept and Its Practical Application (Documents in Economic History series)
Journals of a Young Victorian 1873-1884, Edited by Jaqueline Hope-Nicholson
Reverend F.E. Witts 1783-1854
The 'Viaticum' and Its Commentaries
Their Curriculum and Practice, Facsimile reprint of 1908 edition
New Approaches European History series
Edited by Shaun Payne and Richard Pailthorpe, with Paintings by Gordon Beningfield and a Foreword by Bob Copper
The Story of the Children the GIs Left Behind
The Era of the Intensely English Cowboy
Complete Edition
(Pelican Social History of Britain series)
A History of Noarlunga and District
The Hampshire Brewers: 150 Years
A Photographic Portrait
George Woodward’s Letters from East Hendred 1753-1761
The story of the Dorsetshire labourers who were convicted and sentenced to seven years' transportation for forming a trade union
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