A History
Did Europeans Migrate to China 4,000 Years Ago?
First Lady of Imperial Rome
From the Megaliths to the Celts, Translated by Mary Turton
Reprint of 1896 edition
Siege Warfare in the Ancient World
Edited with an Introduction and Notes
Ancient Gardens in History and Archaeology
The Hunt for a New Past
An Exploration of Life in Neolithic Britain 4,700 - 2,000 B.C.
The Discovery of the World's Oldest Paintings
A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself
The Greatest Tomb Find of Our Time
A Roman Palace and its Garden
The Death of a God – What – or Who – Really Killed the Young Conqueror of the Known World?
The First Millennium of Celtic History, c.1000BC - 51AD
In Search of Atlantis
Silent Messengers of the Arctic
Facsimile reprint of 1908 second edition
A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion, facsimile reprint of 1927 second edition
From Tribe to State in Northern Europe, 500 BC to AD 700
With drawings by Judith Newcomer
Photographs by John Ross
(Ancient Civilizations series)
Gold and Silver AD 300-700
2nd edition
The World Is Not As You Thought It Was
Greater than Napoleon, facsimile reprint of 1926 edition
New Light on an Old Legend
from the Arrival of Homo Sapiens to the Claudian Invasion
London in the Roman Empire
The Search for a Lost Tribe
With Photographs by Richard Muir
(Oxford History of England series)
The Chalk Hill-Figures of Britain
(Encounters with Ancient Egypt series)
A Guide to the Sacred Sites and Pilgrim Routes of England, Scotland & Wales
Translated by Stuart Gilbert and James Emmons, Text entirely in English, The Arts of Mankind series
Romulus to Constantine - 2nd Edition, Revised and Enlarged
The King, The Tomb, The Royal Treasure, Text entirely in English
The Story of the Pharaohs’ Tombmakers
Cairo and Luxor, Photographs by David Finn
4,000 Years of Greek History and Civilization (Greek Lands in History series)
Prehistoric to Medieval
Translated by Ann Morrissett
The Preserved Body of a Neolithic Man Reveals the Secrets of the Stone Age
With Photographs by Werner Forman, Translated by Deryck Viney
A Guide to the Tombs and Temples of Ancient Luxor
A Celtic Dark Age Nation
Revised Edition, (Peoples of Roman Britain series)
A Social History from Early Times until the Roman Occupation
A Complete Introductory Guide
An Illustrated Introduction to the Garrison Posts of Roman Britain
A History from c. A.D.450 to 825
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